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Recent Lab Happenings

April 18, 2024 - Ofir received the Negev-Tzin Fellowship for Midway Outstanding Ph.D. Students,  Congratulations! 

Feb 11, 2024 - Gil received the Faculty Scholarship for Excellence in MSc. Congratulation! 

Feb 7, 2024 - Our paper on "Light-induced MOF synthesis enabling composite photothermal materials" as been accepted to Nat. commun. Great job led by Ofir! A big thanks to the fantastic team and the rest of the group, for your hard work and dedication! And now is online:

Jan 17, 2024 - The group received the Kamin Incentive grant! Many thanks for the support from the Israel Innovation Authority!!!


Jan 7, 2024 - Yossi has started a new role as an Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) Member for ACS Applied Bio Materials, beginning on January 1st, 2024.


Nov 23, 2023 - Doron Yesodi was awarded the Ze'ev Jabotinsky Scholarship by the Ministry of Science and Technology for her direct Ph.D. studies. This prestigious fellowship spans a duration of 4 years! Congratulations!


Please find the University announcement regarding the prestigious award in the following link:



Oct 17, 2023 - Our newly published paper, titled "Photothermally heated colloidal synthesis of nanoparticles driven by silica-encapsulated plasmonic heat sources" has been featured on the Editors' Highlights webpage for recent research in the field of "Materials Science and Chemistry."




Oct 17, 2023 - Nir Lemcoff and Gill Gordon received the School of Sustainability and Climate Change’s Scholarship for Outstanding Masters and Doctoral Students. Congratulations!


October 10, 2023 - Our paper on "Photothermally heated colloidal synthesis of nanoparticles driven by silica-encapsulated plasmonic heat sources" as been accepted to Nat. commun. Great job led by Aritra! A big thanks to the fantastic team, including Nir, Ofir, and the rest of the group, for your hard work and dedication! And now is online:

October 3, 2023 - Yossi as been invited to serve on the Editorial Advisory Board for ACS Applied Bio Materials beginning January 1st, 2024. I'm looking forward to working with a great team for the next two years.


October 3, 2023 - Our paper on "Photothermally heated colloidal synthesis of nanoparticles driven by silica-encapsulated plasmonic heat sources" as been accepted to Nat. commun. Great job led by Aritra! A big thanks to the fantastic team, including Nir, Ofir, and the rest of the group, for your hard work and dedication!


August 29, 2023 - Nir received the Negev Fellowship for Outstading Ph.D. Research Students (2023-2027). Congratulations!


August 17, 2023 - Doron received the Negev STEM Fellowship for Outstading Ph.D. Research Students (2023-2027). Congratulations!


August 2, 2023 - We thank the BGU UK Foundation for their generous support in funding our research project on "Artficial DNA topology for the design of a topoisomerase activity assay."


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June 22, 2023 - We thank the Ilsa Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology for their generous support in funding our collaborative research project on MOF-Derived Materials.



June 19, 2023 - Here are some snapshots captured during the ADAMA Award ceremony. The Weizmann group demonstrated remarkable engagement. Congratulations on a job well done!


From left to right, in the middle picture of the second row, we have Gil, Ofir, Doron, Nir, and Yahel.



June 12, 2023 - Nir, Doron and Ofir received the ADAMA Award for Outstanding M.Sc. Students. Congratulations!


June 12, 2023 - Gil and Yahel received the ADAMA Award for Outstanding B.Sc. Students. Congratulations!


June 04, 2023 - Doron delivered her M.Sc. presentation on "Mimicking Biological Functionality Using Artificial DNA Topology for the Design of a Topoisomerase Activity Assay"! Congratulation on the amazing talk!


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May 24, 2023 - Congratulations to Ofir on his exceptional defense of his Master's thesis and Ph.D. proposal. Well done!


May 1, 2023 - Congratulations to Nir for receiving the Distinction Award in Chemistry during the first year of his Master's Degree, and congratulations to Doron for receiving the Chemistry Excellence Award during the first year of her Master's Degree. Well done to both of them!


Feburary 15, 2023 - A group trip to make colorful pasta in Papon Gal Shaish. To view photos from the event, please enter the photo albums 



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January 30, 2023 - More News on our new paper in Nature Chemistry

The Jerusalem Post: "Warming up in Mars? BGU finds polymers that heat up when exposed to LED" 

EurekAlert|AAAS: "Ben-Gurion University chemists pioneer responsive polymers that heat up when exposed to LED light" "Chemists pioneer responsive polymers that heat up when exposed to LED light" 


January 29, 2023 - We are on the NEWS: "LED פיתוח ישראלי: פולימר הפולט חום בחשיפה לאור"


January 26, 2023 - Olefin metathesis gets the golden touch!
I'm very excited to share our new paper on plasmonic nanoparticles that have been utilized to activate latent ruthenium catalysts carrying light-induced olefin metathesis into the IR range, now online in 
Nature Chemistry

Many thanks and congrats to Nir Lemcoff and the group!
Awesome collaboration with Gabi Lemcoff's group
Plasmonic nanoparticles have been utilized to activate latent ruthenium catalysts carrying light-induced olefin metathesis into the IR range. 


Nature Chemistry.webp

January 19, 2023 - Our Minireview on "Point-of-care nucleic acid tests: assays and devices" is online and featured as a cover in Nanoscale. Thanks, Doron and Ofer, for your efforts! 


December 7, 2022 - Our Minireview on "Point-of-care nucleic acid tests: assays and devices" is published online in the Journal Nanoscale! Congratulations, Ofer and Doron! The invited minireview is part of the themed collection "Emerging concepts in nucleic acids: structures, functions and applications." 


November 13, 2022 - Ofir delivered his M.Sc. presentation on "Light-induced MOF synthesis and catalysis by photothermal activation of plasmonic nanoparticles"! Congratulation on the amazing talk!


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November 3, 2022 - Our Topical Review on "RNA nanostructures: from structure to function" is published online in the Journal of Bioconjugate Chemistry! Congratulations, Ofer and Doron! The invited Topical Review is part of the themed collection “Chemistry of DNA Nanotechnology.”


Jun 21, 2022 - Ofir, Nir, and Doron received the Faculty Scholarship for Excellence in MSc. Congratulation! 


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Jun 21, 2022 - Ella Yonit Finestone received the Dr. Baruch Zinger Memorial Fund for excellence and social contribution. 


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Jun 10, 2022 - Congratulation to the BGU international cricket team - the "BGU Striker" who destroyed the Weizmann institute and Technion teams. Our group member Aritra got the highest score - RESPECT!

Nov 1, 2021 - Ofir received the outstanding B.Sc. Award at the ADAMA Awards ceremony day

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Oct 20, 2021 - A new postdoc scholar, Dr. Aritra Biswas, has joined our lab. Welcome! 

Oct 18, 2021 - Ofir Shelonchick received the ADAMA Award for Outstanding B.Sc. Students. Congratulations!

Oct 11, 2021 - Ofir Shelonchick received the School of Sustainability and Climate Change’s Scholarship for Outstanding Masters and Doctoral Students. Congratulations!

Sep 22, 2021 - Our RNA crystal paper is online and featured as a cover in Science Advances. Thank you all for your efforts! 


Nov 12, 2020 - Yossi has received the NSFC-ISF Joint Program Grant! Many thanks for the support from ISF!!! and NSFC!!! And to our collaborator Prof. Xuemei Wang!

Funded in Partnership with Zuckerman STE

Aug 31, 2020 - Yossi has received the Zuckerman Faculty Scholar Award! Many thanks for the support from Zuckerman Institue!!!

Jul 23, 2020 - Yossi has received the New-Faculty Equipment Grant! Many thanks for the support from ISF!!!


Jul 23, 2020 - Yossi has received the Individual Research Grant! Many thanks for the support from ISF!!!


Aug 22, 2018 - JACS symposium featured a great lineup of speakers!

Our cover was featured on the JACS symposium flyer:

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Editor-in-Chief Peter Stang with speakers from the JACS symposium: "Spotlight on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Beyond"

JACS symposium at ACS meeting celebrating 140 years!

From right to left: Ye Tian, Yossi Weizmann, Ben Feringa, Peter Stang, Hanadi Sleiman, Zhenan Bao

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After the symposium, we had lunch with great friends

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